******Eligibility to be a Baptism Sponsor (Godparent) includes the following: (must fill out Testimonial Form found above)
1. Must be mature enough to undertake the responsibility and at least one must attend an approved Baptism seminar.
2. Must have received the three Sacraments of initiation, namely: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
3. Must be no less than 16 years of age
4. Must believe all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches, and truly make a serious effort to live a good moral life worthy of imitation; and sees to the religious instruction of his/her family
5. Must be an actively practicing Catholic, participating at Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation, and receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation regularly
6. Must be canonically free to carry out this office (This means that Catholics publicly living in an invalid marriage [not according to Catholic Church regulations] and those that are co-habitating [living together without marriage] cannot serve as a sponsor).